Woven from glass fibres coated in a special latex that is resistant to chemicals and alkalines render mesh adds strength, prevents cracks at areas of stress and protects against impact damage such as that can occur when ladders are propped up against a wall. Rendermesh is suitable for use in all render, EWI, ETICS and plaster applications
The National Insulation Association
NBS Plus
All standard rendering and internal plastering applications, external wall insulation systems, timber frame. Provides crack resisting and impact resistant strength to wall coatings
Zero chemical reaction with water, sand and cement, acrylic render, water based paint; avoid contact with solvents
Impact and stretch resistant; minimises cracking, indentation and puncture damage
Quick and easy to install; reduction in puncture damage caused by impact or pressure; reduced whole life costs by minimising the need for maintenance; greater resistance to cracks in the render surface
Manufactured to all UK and EU standards using only materials allowable under REACH
Inflammable, will not contribute to the combustion of the system
Render mesh is safe to handle removing the dangers of cut metal; gloves should be worn if handling cut thread to avoid micro fibres; if micro fibres come into contact with eyes rinse for 15 minutes in water holding eyelids wide open
Ideal for all habitable climates
Fit for purpose for the lifetime of the render and at least 25 years
Meets equivalent British Standard for metal lath BS EN 13658-2:2016 and BS EN 13496:2013 for thermal insulation products for building applications
Ecologically benign when complete; non-hazardous in water; does not release substances into the atmosphere unless in contact with solvents or if shredded; if ingested seek medical assistance
For all applications requiring strong reinforcement
Not affected by weather and should be specified in all regions including those with high temperature or climate variation
Manufactured to ISO 9001:2000; complies with BS EN 13914-1:2016, BS EN 13496:2013, BS EN 13658-2:2005 and ETAG 004 System 2+; complies with REACH
Renderplas; Rendermesh
160gsm glass fibre reinforcement mesh
Woven glass fibre mesh coated carboxylated styrene butadiene copolymer latex
1m wide and has a 4.5mm weave
For all render depths
Available singly in clear polythene sleeve or palletised in multiples of 30
Full rolls
Unaffected by light, installed below the top coat
Standard industry practice or guidelines stipulated by the system manufacturer should be followed for installation. In most cases rendermesh should be embedded into a base coat of render or plaster. Lay the mesh flat against the base coat with no wrinkles or creases and using a trowel, push the mesh into the top third of the base coat so that the mesh cannot be seen. Where 2 or more sheets of mesh are used they must overlap by 100mm where they meet.
Store away from extreme temperatures. Can be stored flat or vertically. Avoid creasing or kinking
Ex-stock next day delivery to site through extensive supply chain or direct from www.renderplas.co.uk